Longitude Admissions’ mission is to offer a personalized, one-on-one approach; help you understand the strategies behind different kinds of applications; reduce deadline stress; and assist in your writing process. We have over a decade of combined experience navigating the Service Academy and college application process.

We look forward to meeting you!

MAllory cawlfield

Mallory Cawlfield is passionate about supporting students who are interested in furthering their education while also planning to serve their country after graduation. She has been assisting students with their nomination and application packages for the U.S. Service Academies for over a decade. She is also intimately familiar with the intricacies of the ROTC Scholarship process.

JEnnifer smolen

Jennifer Smolen loves helping students and families find their perfect college fit. She approaches the applications holistically, balancing academic strengths with extra-curricular activities to craft the perfect package for each college. She keeps students organized and focused to keep the peace at home!

Contact Us

Want to learn about our full selection of services? Let’s schedule a free 15-minute
phone call so we can hear about your
college goals and define a service
package that fits your needs.